Moving Image Analysis “Gender”
She leaves the store, the shop owner turns and he is attracted by the size of a ring on the blonde women’s finger, his mood changes to a welcoming one, the blonde character’s smart clothing proves she is at a high class. The large size of the ring could represent wealth and power the woman becomes the powerful character in this scene. Her confident attitude shows as the camera pans up to show her beauty and rich, powerful image. So far only two women have been in the store and one man (the shop owner) this supports the gender theme of women shopping but the shop owner is the only man in the store this makes him stand out more as he goes against the male stereotype.
The scene changes’, editing has been done to make each scene change at a fast pace this relates to the show’s title “Hustle”, that a plan has to flow quickly and smoothly. We see two male characters talking in what appears to be a gents club; they have a drink, a very smart social able scene which shows the business side to their male characters.
We return to the blonde women and the shop owner, the camera pans upwards as she wears a dress as she ponders over the price of the fashionable dress she twists her large ring this represents her partner and shows he is involved in the decision even though he is nowhere to be seen. She agrees with the price of the dress, the shop owner begins to wrap up the dress when the women notices her ring is not on her finger, she panics saying her husband got the ring made and that “he will kill me” this shows the level of power of her husband and this makes the theme stand out more. Also shows how the material position, the ring is precious to a women and when gone becomes an over exaggerated response. This time the shop owner shows concern as he offers to help find the missing ring, the background music is louder with the use of trumpets to give a comical situation as the women runs around the store, also to show an out of control moment. The calm nature of the women changes as we see her panic this could represent with no ring she has now power as the shop owner makes a suggestion this is the first moment where the women stops and listens to another person’s view. The music stops with the sound of a needle being scratched off the record this represents her coming back into reality but without the ring. The women uses wealth to get the ring back, offering a high amount of money to whoever finds it, she leaves the store to go to a hair appointment she also wants her dress to be ready for her to pick up this suggests she is more concerned about her appearance and belongings than her money.
A new male character enters the store he breaks the stereotype with his reason of getting a dress for his “birds” birthday however this suggest he is also from a higher class as he knows about fashionable dresses whereas that would be most common in women. He pretends to find the ring a high pitch sound is used to tell the audience what he has also the high pitched sound is mainly used when someone has an idea, this also relates to the main title. The shop owner is interested in receiving the ring so he can claim the reward from the blond women but the new male character also knows the size of the ring must mean a rich person and he becomes interested in a reward. The two characters debate over the ring the shop owner using his authority as the ring was in his store however the male character doesn’t back down and leaves his card with the shop owner. The owner is now caught between two characters both different genders which relates to the theme, as the male character turns to walk away he counts down until the shop owner surrenders to him the camera zooms in on the male characters face, this shows like the blonde character he also knows what is happening but the audience doesn’t. The clip ends with the male character meeting with a female character he brings a handful of money out of his pocket the women is pleased but does not show much expression this suggests she expected him to arrive with money this could relate to how men always got money from their jobs.