Thursday 23 February 2012

Discuss the ways in which media products are produced and distributed to audiences, within a media area you have studied.

      Media products such as film are usually advertised through a variety of forms used in media to attract more of the target audience also the use of contracts with other businesses such as fast food restaurants help advertise films e.g. collectable characters from a certain meal deal. With the release of ‘The Dark Knight’ Burger King released Batman related accessories with children’s meals this helped the spreading of word for the film, this idea also helped include the younger generation who could not see the film due to the age certificate.
     Another way to attract the audience to a film is the use of sell lines or quotes from the film which are meaningful such as the Joker in ‘The Dark Knight’ “let’s put a smile on that face” and the most recognisable “why so serious?” this helps relate the film to the audience as from a psychological point of view when the phrase “why so serious?” majority of the population would think of the Joker or think of the film.
     During the distribution of the film three trailers were released a teaser trailer which shows the build up to the main symbol for Batman with the most recognised voices from Bruse Wayne and Alfred, a main trailer which shows the confrontation between good and evil (Batman and Joker) by showing the audience the high technical gadgets at the hero's disposal improves the film and the development of the character from the previous film 'Batman Begins' which was a foundation to the franchise. During the trailers the audience are introduced to the most common villain from the comic book series, the Joker, he is described as only carrying lint and knives in his pockets and clothes being custom made showing he has no identity and this supports the theme of him being an outcast from society same with Batman. The film’s title doesn't include 'Batman' unlike the first film this shows how he is not the main focus but Harvey Dent being a white knight who has fallen to a dark knight. When releasing the full trailer distributors projected a large Batman symbol on a skyscraper, fans followed the sign just how Batman follows in the films with this a large crowd was gathered in time to witness the full trailer.
     The 'Dark Knight' made a profit of $67 million on the first premiere this over pasted the record set by 'Spiderman 3' with %59 million. However there was a debate on the age certificate for the film as reviews mentioned the film not suitable for children at the age of 12, parents also agreed this age should of been increased due to the psychotic nature of the Joker and his obsession with knives and terrorist schemes.

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