Tuesday 1 November 2011

Cutting it analysis

“Cutting it”
By Stephanie Rallison

     From the first scene we are given an insight to the two main characters, a close up of their hands holding shows trust also a worrying atmosphere. The male character does not know where they are going while the female character pays the taxi cab, this can symbolise the female as the dominant partner in the relationship. The female character is going to a consultant suggesting she may have cancer or a form of illness, as she walks away her coat is unbuttoned and open this gives a brave figure, as she spoke to her partner the 180’ rule is used a lot and quick cut scenes adds pace to the scene and conversations.
     In the consultants room the female character has a brave face while she begins to cry, there is an aerial shot of the room this could symbolise death, it makes the audience wonder if she does have cancer. As she is being given the news she has a brave reassuring smile trying to remain in control, in a cut scene to that, the camera pans across her partner who waits patiently outside, with the same reassuring smile as he focuses on his wedding ring, a close up of the ring represents love, commitment and trust. Going back to the consultant room another aerial shot is done showing God, heaven looking down on the consultant and his patient, this can represent judgement her life at a standstill.
     As she leaves the room she ties up her coat this can symbolise her secrets and feelings being bottled up she wants to keep everything in control. In the background we see members of the public wearing white coats this represents peace, meaning the female character does not have cancer, also being set outside of the hospital there are no doctors or nurses standing outside the building, this could also prove she doesn’t have cancer, she is free from treatment no more doctors , nurses and tests.
     As the female character returns to her partner a dramatic event takes place she calls out “guess what!” A large vehicle passes in front of her, silence comes and the sound of glass breaking fills the screen a exploding smash echoes making the scene freeze. The mysterious vehicle passes and we see the female lying on the curb and white roses scattered next to her broken body. The roses symbolise a wedding, love peace hospital sickness and death. Editing has been done a lot to this scene, slow motion as the camera shakes gives the audience a look through the male characters angle, and this puts us in his shoes. We hear the thumping of a heart beat this adds to the dramatic effect also symbolising love and shock, all he can hear is his own heart beating or this could be the heart from the injured partner slowly getting quieter and quieter. The male partner rushes to help her he knocks over the chair which she would of sat on, no one notices her lying injured on the pavement or the chair falling to the ground this could shoe the two main characters are alone only there for each other . His run and actions are all in slow motion this is dramatic and shows the shock going through his mind and body, as he attempts to run across the road, he still checks for passing cars so he doesn’t have the same fate as his partner, no other vehicles stop to let him pass safely or stop for the women on the pavement this adds to the idea they are lonely. As he makes it to her, comforting her cold body as she slowly slips away the white roses next to her and the sound of violins in the background representing grief, sadness, fear we have a bird’s eye view of the couple, their last moment together his watch on his wrist indicating the time of death a foreshadowing moment. Lastly the female character whispers “a perfect day” this could suggest they were married in the morning as this would explain their smart clothes and the many times the rings are in the camera shot showing their commitment to each other and the consult was planned to be done after they were married. The quote could be stating she doesn’t have cancer making the day be summarised as perfect.
     In conclusion the clip was mostly suggesting theories about the characters and the question about if the women was cleared from cancer is still a mystery, however this could of been intended by the director to get the audience involved. Overall the clip was enjoyable and had a variety of camera angles and actions in each scene.

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