Thursday 10 November 2011

School Bullying Clip

      A clip from Waterloo Road it shows an extreme form of bullying where the victim, Harry tries to drown himself in the swimming pool. Harry is bullied for what he has to wear in the clip (brightly coloured swimming trunks) and how he looks. The comments thrown at him makes Harry feel singled out and alone as not even the teachers notice how he feels or how he is being treated.
      The scene is first set with Harry alone in a changing room, the fact he separates himself from the other boys can suggest he does not feel comfortable around them as could feel exposed, getting changed with other boys. The background music creates slight tension as the pace builds up, the sound of the locker closing can represent Harry's fate being sealed, the plan to steal his trunks has been done and the next stage of the bullies plan is about to unfold.
      The camera is focussed on the swimming pool as Harry walks past, his reflection is seen in the water, this is a foreshadowing event it creates more suspense to the clip. The convocation between the teacher and Harry is paced; we can tell the teacher is not focussed on Harry's problem. She turns her head quickly "what is it?" This sounds similar to how a teenager would speak to another person, this can suggest the teacher acting like a school girl as she doesn't reply to Harry in a polite manner but instead she is more focused on talking to the male swimming instructor.
      As Harry comes out of the changing room with his bold trunks the music dies down, this is done so the audience can hear the comments the other students make and so the audience can empathize with Harry. A behind the shoulder shot is used so the audience can see from the angle the other students are standing also a medium close up of Harry is used often as he walks past his peers. As Harry is shoved into the pool the camera falls as well giving more of a dramatic effect as he emerges from the water another over the shoulder shot has been used but this time for the audience to see from Harry’s point of view, we see the bullies Fin and Josh in the main view point with the added members of the class standing behind them this could represent how the other students follow the two boys and not try to help Harry.
      We see how the pool is divided with majority of the class around the Fin the main bully and Harry by himself the fact that he floats by himself can represent how he has been cast away from the social groups in his class. The sound of rude comments about Harry echo in the pool as they are being chanted we see what Harry is seeing all the students laughing and looking at him we see this from his own eyes. Harry takes his last gasp of air as he begins to sink underwater, the camera becomes unfocussed this can symbolize his mind becoming unclear and alone. The slow music shows times slowing down and Harry’s connection to reality and life fading away. Editing has been done, slow motion has been added to Harry’s movement this adds to reality slowing down and Harry’s life ending but this movement stops the water explodes as the swimming instructor rescues Harry and brings him to the surface. Reality hits the class as they did not notice Harry was in danger, even Fin is shocked, the swimming instructor says “I will check him over to be sure” this is the attention Harry has not received during the whole clip. It finishes with Harry smiling and the teachers hand on his head this can represent love, comfort or protection because finally Harry is being noticed.
      I will be working in a team to re-enact this scene but include our own ideas for the way the victim is treated and how he feels as this will give more of a understanding of why a child would want to take their own life.

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