Tuesday 15 November 2011

School Bullying Clip Analysis

      The scene is set in a school car park; this is shown by the movement of the camera it pans around the area then zooms in from the ground to the schools logo this makes the symbol key and important, the height of which the camera climbs can suggest high standards of the school, the deer representing pride. The movement from the camera as it scans the car park can suggest we, are looking through the eyes of a person a student or teacher. Majority of the cars are black this creates a depressing mood also a foreshadowing moment. No sound is used in the clip this creates a silent and lonely mood the cars cover most of the scene making the path to the buildings unclear, the only access to the entrance is shown but it leaves the question why is there nothing there?
     In the next scene we are introduced to a character, the camera zooms in on him from a distance this makes him the main character. He wears black clothing suggesting a negative image, he wears a red fez this suggests his background culture, the colour stands out making it noticeable. The colour red symbolises danger this could suggest the character could be a target or a victim another foreshadowing event. The only sound we can hear is his footsteps the sound echoes showing he is alone. As the character approaches the entrance he is stopped by another pupil “what the hell are you wearing?” he wears brighter clothing an opposite to what the main character is wearing this is an opposing force, the bully of the clip. He does not reply showing a timid side to him, we are not told his name this suggests he prefers to keep to himself.
     Next we have our main character dashing down a corridor hands on his face almost shielding himself from reality, he’s not wearing his fez this shows he is trying to fit in with everyone but it is unsuccessful with this as he is alone again only his footsteps can be heard. The long shot gives a dramatic effect to the mood also makes us sympathise with him.
     At this moment we witness the tension building, the teacher who is also wearing black asks the main character if he is ok but is quickly ignored. His footsteps are stilled heard as the pupil runs away this is still foreshadowing as he has been running ever since he arrived at the school and it makes the audience wonder where he will run to. The sound of the footsteps get lighter and lighter as the pupil runs off creating a distance from the pupil and the teacher, this goes back to the high standards of the school. The teacher turns slowly to the window, we see a female student who does match the expectations of the school her bright blond hair stands out symbolising peace, she is also alone this shows the students are all alone. As the main character runs away we cannot hear his footsteps this could show his time is running out as he can no longer run from his problems.
Our main character runs down the corridor he is confused not knowing where to run to and decides to hide in a cupboard. He attempts to end his life a close up of him making a noose creates tension as there is no sounds not even the sound of footsteps, this is the climax building as we don’t know anyone who will help him. The noose is black representing death, this recurring colour was foreshadowing this event. The death of a teenager at school. We see the frightful moment where we witness the life being taken from the pupil, we can only hear him chocking making the scene more dramatic and horrific, the sound of his legs hitting the wooden wall can symbolise the sound of a wooden coffin closing.The teacher bursts into the room and sees the lifeless body he tries to help by grabbing the body to support it and save his life, the light entering the room from the opening of the door can symbolise the doorway to heaven. The clip ends leaving the audience wondering if the pupil survived.

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